Explore the blueprint of your souls evolution.
Earth To Astrology
Earth To Astrology
Astrological Offerings
Souls Purpose Reading
My most popular offering. This is a 60-minute live reading with me where we dive into your birth chart and explore the depths of your unique trajectory in this lifetime. This reading is for those seeking clarity and a deeper understanding of your innate gifts and the soul contract you came into this life with.
Composite Reading
A Composite Chart Reading is one that explores the relationship between two people. Be it friends, family, co-workers, foes, or lovers. Discover the dynamic the two of you share. This essentially looks at the relationship as it’s own entity and the energy and themes that relationship holds.
A Progressed Moon Reading is focused on the season of life you are currently in using your progressed moon. Progressions are a timing technique that give insight about specific segments of time. In this reading you will discover the current themes at play in your life and how to work with them. Your progressed moon changes every 2.5 years and therefor so do your motivations and energy patterns.
Progressed Moon Reading
Timing Reading
A Timing Reading is for those of you looking for insight about a specific period of time or event, past or present, using your progressed natal chart. Your Progressed chart is a symbolic representation of your natal chart as you grow and evolve through life. In this reading we will look at both your Natal Chart and Your Progressed Chart to get to the bottom of your questions about a specific point in time.